About the Five Solae

What are the Five Solae?

The Five Solae (also spelled Five Solas) are a set of Latin phrases that summarize some of the core doctrines of the Christain Faith.

Even if you don't recognize them by name, just about every flavor of Christianity teaches the principles they represent. Thus, there's a pretty good chance you've already been applying them in your Christian walk.

So let's take a look at the Five Solae and see how they work together.

Sola Scriptura ("By Scripture Alone")

Whenever a new group is formed, one of the first things they must do is agree on who is charge. Following this, they often create a formal charter, or agreement, on what they stand for and believe in.

Christians have the luxury of doing both at once: since Christ is our Lord as well as our Savior, by donning the Christian label we've acknowledged that He is in charge and has all authority. Sola Scriptura takes this one step further by establishing God's Word as the source and ultimate authority on our religion.

That's not to say that other things lack value. Traditions can help people understand what they've read in Scripture, as can a good commentary or teacher. The problem comes in when we allow these things to be more important than God's Word. If the Bible says one thing, and someone else says another, then we must yield to what the Scripture has told us.

To be blunt, one of the first signs that someone is straying from the Christian faith is a lack of interest in the Word of God. There are also people in the world today who will try and diswade people from reading the Bible, either by dismissing it or by claiming that it can only be understood by a select few. Both attitudes lead away from Christ, and we cannot afford to listen to such people.

Sola Fide ("By Faith Alone")

The Christian walk is one filled with faith. Sola Fide emphasises this, by reminding us that it's our faith that purifies, sanctifies, and justifies us before God, and that we become His Children by placing our faith in God's promises.

But there is another side to this. Because all of these things are won through our faith, there is no other way for us to obtain them. No amount of good works, money, or material things can Save us. It is through faith - and only through faith - that we can be Saved. This is important to remember, as there have always been people who claim that salvation could be purchased, or that you could reach Heaven by simply being a good person.

Of course, this doesn't mean our actions are completely meaningless. If you believe something, then you will act accordingly. So while our works will never be able to save us, they can be evidence of someone's faith.

Sola Gracia ("By Grace Alone")

Sola Gracia is closely tied to Sola Fide, as these two Solas are about the same concept from different perspectives. As the above section already explained, Sola Fide reminds us that there's nothing we can do to merit or earn our salvation. Sola Gracia, on the other hand, focuses on what God is doing and has already done to Save us.

God knows that there's no way for us to measure up to His perfect standards, so even though we don't deserve it, He has mercifully reached out to us and offers to forgive our sins if we're willing to trust in Him.

Solus Christus ("Through Christ Alone")

The Solae that have been discussed so far have told us where we get our beliefs from, what we can do to be Saved, and what God has done to Save us. These are some very important things, and they are definitely some of our core doctrines, but there's still one more thing that we need to address: what is Jesus Christ's role in all of this?

The Bible tells us that not only was everything made for Him and through Him, but that He's also one of the Persons in our Triune God, and that He did something unique that made our salvation possible.

Christ's death on the cross and the resurrection that followed paid the debt we created through our sins. Because of this, justice has been carried out, the sentence paid in full, and we are no longer slaves to our sinful nature. Thus, Christ's sacrifice was the vehicle that brought us God's Grace, and enabled our salvation.

Just about every Christian acknowledges this, but there are some who claim that other people are just as responsible for our salvation. This is a lie: No matter what role they played, nobody else - not the prophets, nor the disciples, nor the holy men and women of the church, not even Jesus' earthly parents - can claim to have done anything as great as what Jesus has done for us.

Keep in mind that there are many cults out there that cloak themselves in the appearance of Christianity but refuse to recognize who Jesus is and how important His sacrifice was. If anyone says His death on the cross was not enough to save us, do not stick around to listern more.

Soli Deo Gloria ("Glory to God Alone")

This last Solae can be summarized with three important Bible verses: Exodus 20:3, 1st Corinthians 10:31, and Isaiah 42:8. Even if you don't have these three verses memorized, you'll immediately recognize their message: There is only one true God, and we are to live for and worship only Him.

Unfortunately, it is very easy for us to get destracted and worship something else, either by focusing our time on it (to the exclusion of proper worship), or by seeking glory or fame for ourselves.

In particular, this Solae is intended to challenge the practice of venerating Saints, which is common among certain branches of Christianity. As this can look like the worship given to God, it can cause confusion or perhaps even encourage open idolatry.

Whether it is or not, I'll leave up to the reader to decide.